General information
- Place: Nantes
- Langue: English and French
The Graduate Programme (GP) LUMOMAT (LUmière, MOlécules, MATière) is integrated into the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Graduate School Matière, Molécule, Matériaux et Géosciences (3MG). This programme offers complete training from the Masters to the Doctorate level in interaction with scientific research and technological innovation in the field of molecular chemistry and materials.
The programme is part of the very high potential field of organic electronics and photonicsims and it aims to train top-level engineers and researchers to meet the major challenges facing society in energy, health, the environment and information storage.
Being supported by the France 2030 - Investissements d'Avenir programmes, GP LUMOMAT enables students to benefit from a label of excellence offering multiple advantages:Students can enter the Programme either at the Master’s level or at the PhD’s level. After the first two years, students who have obtained the master’s degree can apply for PhD or pursue other career paths as research and innovation engineer.
For the first year of Master's programme, students can choose to enroll at either Nantes University or University of Rennes. The second year of Master's, all students will study with University of Angers.
First year of Master's in Nantes
First year of Master's in Rennes
Second year of Master's in Angers