Academic Programme

Innovative Materials and Energy Systems (E-Mat) - Master's level

Specialisations: Innovative Materials and Energy Systems (E-Mat)
Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


The Innovative Materials and Energy Systems (E-Mat) pathway trains people to meet the challenges of the major transitions taking place in the energy, ICT, automotive, aeronautics and aerospace sectors. En savoir plus

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General information

This master's degree is accredited
as a Graduate programme

- Entry year : september 2025
- Duration : 2 years
- Location/Place : Nantes
- Languages :
Master 1 : French, Master 2 : English

Version française


Presentation webinar on :

  •     Monday March, 17 at 6pm

Registration by mail (address below)



The Innovative Materials and Energy Systems (E-Mat) program is designed to train physicists, chemists and engineers to meet the challenges of the major transitions taking place. It meets the strategic needs of academic research and industrial innovation in a wide range of sectors :

  •     Energy production, conversion, transfer and storage
  •     Information and communication technologies (micro/nanoelectronics, telecoms, connected objects, etc.)
  •     Automotive, aeronautics, aerospace, etc.

With an interdisciplinary approach, we train you to handle and exploit cutting-edge technologies and innovative concepts applied to the design and development of advanced functional materials. We exploit concepts from physics, particularly quantum physics, and introduce notions of materials engineering and chemistry to design, synthesize and characterize innovative materials for specific applications. Each of these steps involves a range of cutting-edge technologies, including professional software (e.g. COMSOL Multiphysics®, TCAD-Silvaco®...) and artificial intelligence. You will carry out your research projects in two of our laboratories (IMN & LTeN) or in partner academic and industrial laboratories, in France or abroad.

All first-year courses are taught in French.The second-year program is taught in English.


Double degree Double degree in 3 years

In Master 2, you can enroll in a double degree program to obtain the Master's degree in Innovation Management for Transitions offered by Nantes University's Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE).

The Master 2 in Innovation Management is designed to train students to manage complex situations at the intersection of management, technology and innovative approaches in public or private organizations.

You will be required to take a condensed Master I Innovation Management course (120 hours) at the same time. A third year of work-study will then enable you to validate this second diploma and broaden your professional horizons.

Why choose the Innovative Materials and Energy Systems pathway ?

Joining the E-Mat Master's program gives you the opportunity to :

  •     Benefit from the environment and skills of two internationally renowned laboratories, teacher-researchers and CNRS researchers to :
    •         Implement experimental methodologies on state-of-the-art instruments
    •         Develop autonomy through project-based learning
  •     Develop through personalized mentoring
  •     Learn to use new tools and technologies applied to materials science, including professional software and artificial intelligence
  •     Explore new materials and physical properties in fields at the heart of innovation (quantum materials, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies, etc.), as well as functional systems and energy.
  •     Visit sites of major interest (Synchrotron Soleil) and take part in scientific events such as Winter School (theme 2025: “Eco-design and the circular economy”).
  •     Acquire the skills needed for a career path dedicated to global and sustainable transitions

The E-Mat research ecosystem

  Picto E-Mat The E-Mat program has been awarded the Graduate programme label by Nantes Université. This label, supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR), certifies that the program draws on the research skills of internationally recognized laboratories, and trains students in both the scientific approach and cutting-edge technologies. The skills acquired in accredited Masters programs enable students to successfully enter the workforce as consulting engineers or project managers in the R&D departments of major corporations or innovative SMEs. If you're interested in pursuing a PhD, this Master's program also offers you optimum preparation, as the teaching team is also in charge of coordinating doctoral programs in this field.

Part of the Faculty of Science and Technology and the École Universitaire de Recherche (EUR) Matière, Molécules, Matériaux et Géosciences (3MG), this program is supported by two internationally renowned laboratories: the Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel (IMN) and the Laboratoire de Thermique et Energie de Nantes (LTeN).


Targeted activities and skills

This curriculum enables students to develop their skills in :

  •     design, develop, characterize and model (nano)materials and (nano)technologies and systems for energy;
  •     exploit or develop (nano)technologies for scientific purposes or industrial innovation;
  •     exploit these materials and systems to improve the performance of current devices and technologies in a wide variety of application fields;
  •     integrate a research or R&D project in an international context;
  •     manage innovation projects (double degree);
  •     work in multidisciplinary teams;





Formation(s) requise(s)

Academic requirements :
Bachelor's degree in physics or physics-chemistry, or equivalent (ISCED level 6 : BUT, Licence).
A background in (petro)chemical engineering or mechanical engineering, for example, cannot be considered suitable for this Master's program.
 Language requirements:
To be able to follow the second year (M2), candidates must obtain one of the following English language requirements:
  •     TOIEC minimum 800 or equivalent
  •     Diploma from a university in an English-speaking country

Please note:
Students who cannot meet one of the above English requirements may also take a direct interview in English and undertake to take the TOIEC test during the first year of the Master's program (M1) in order to be admitted to the final year of the Master's program (M2).


Modalités de candidature

Selection based on application and interview

Documents to be provided :

  •     A CV in French or English
  •     A cover letter, handwritten in French or English
  •     Transcripts of the diploma giving access: Licence/BUT/Bachelor
  •     A letter of recommendation (except for Nantes Université students

How to apply ?


If you are a French national or a citizen of the European Economic Area + Switzerland, Monaco and Andorra: to find out when the platform opens and closes, and to submit your application, go to the Master's application page.

You are a citizen of a country outside the European Economic Area + Switzerland, Monaco and Andorra :

  • Your country is concerned by the Campus France procedure (cf.: List of countries concerned): you must apply exclusively via the "Etudes en France" platform. Note that applications are generally registered between October and January of the previous year.
  • Your country is not concerned by the Campus France procedure :
    • To apply for M1, please use the Mon Master platform.
    • To apply for M2, please follow the application procedure for international students without access documents (SURF).

For further information, please consult our Admission to Nantes University page.


Master 1

  •     Fundamental physics (8 ECTS) : statistical physics, soft matter, quantum physics, atomic physics
  •     Methodologies for (nano) materials synthesis (6 ECTS) : coordination chemistry and electronic transitions, inorganic condensation in aqueous solution, introduction to inorganic molecular chemistry, thin films
  •     Materials characterization (10 ECTS) : signal acquisition and processing, experimental physics, application of group theory, christallography and X-ray diffraction, optical and vibrational spectroscopies, impedance spectroscopy
  •     Properties of Materials & Systems for Energy (12 ECTS) : physics of solids, electronic structure of solids, electrochemistry, heat transfer
  •     Modeling (5 ECTS) : physical and multi-scale modeling, atomic interactions, data processing
  •     Preparation for professional integration (10 ECTS) : experimental project (laboratory immersion), thematic school, organizational foundations, chemical risks, introduction to project management
  •     2-4 month internship (9 ECTS)


Master 2


  •     Methodologies for (nano) materials synthesis (5 ECTS) : advanced chemical synthesis, nano-microtechnology project, advanced physical processes
  •     Materials characterization (3 ECTS) : advanced microscopy and spectroscopy, advanced X-ray and neutron diffraction
  •     Nanosciences ; quantum materials ; electronic devices (6 ECTS) : nanophysics-quantum materials, micro-nanoelectronics
  •     Energy systems (6 ECTS) : new photovoltaic devices, electrochemical storage, thermal energy systems
  •     Modeling (6 ECTS) : multiphysics, quantum mechanics, artificial intelligence applied to materials discovery and design
  •     Preparation for professional integration (4 ECTS) : micro-nanotechnology project in clean room, thematic school, innovation, transitions and project management under high uncertainty
  •     4-6 month internship (30 ECTS)

Et après ?

Niveau de sortie


Compétences visées

Targeted activities and skills

On completion of the Master E-Mat, you will be able to :
  •     Carry out a research or research and development (R&D) project in the field of materials/energies, innovative systems and their applications, taking into account the societal issues at stake
  •     Collect, analyze, model and interpret data, and apply critical analysis to experimental and theoretical approaches
  •     Communicate in French and English, both orally and in writing, with a command of technical vocabulary
  •     Integrate into a professional structure, particularly in an international context

Career opportunities :

Carte débouchés E-Mat
Your interdisciplinary profile will be of interest to companies and laboratories specializing in :
  •     Functional materials engineering
  •     New and renewable energies
  •     Energy production and storage
  •     Information and communication technologies
  •     Automotive - Aeronautics - Aerospace
  •     Innovation management (after the double curriculum with IAE Nantes University)

...for positions such as :
  •     Nanotechnology Engineer
  •     Process Engineer
  •     R&D Engineer
  •     Materials Engineer
  •     Assistant Project Manager (at the start of your career)

Or, if you're doing a double degree :
  •     Innovation and Change Management Consultant
  •     Innovation Engineer
  •     Business manager
  •     Innovative company creator

Poursuites d'études

Careers opportunities After two years in the Master's program, you can choose between developing your own career, pursuing the second year of Master's degree Innovation Management, or pursuing a research project at doctoral level, within the 3MG University Research School (EUR).

The program benefits from financial support from Nantes University, the French National Research Agency, the European Commission and the Pays de la Loire Region for mobility grants and doctoral contracts.

Membership of a Cursus Master Doctorat will give you access to extended resources.

Mis à jour le 26 février 2025.