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Academic Programme

Data Science Master’s Degree (DS)

Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


Data science is an academic curricular of the Computer science Master's Degree. It is a two-year degree (M1 + M2) but only the second year (M2 Data science) is accessible at Polytech Nantes. Read more

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  • 1 year
Internship(s) *
Yes, Compulsory
* During the 2nd semester, students complete a 5-month research thesis/internship in a laboratory or company which allows them to be paid around 2 500€ (500€ per month).



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Targeted audience

Prerequisites for enrolment
Bac +4


Tuition fees: 7 500€

Thess costs mainly correspond to education and training. Futhermore, it includes an intership in a laboratory, French courses and cultural outings. Polytech Nantes does not offer scholarships however should you require financial help please have a look at the Campus France Scholarship catalog website.


Through this programme, students will acquire the scientific and technological skills towards a data scientist profile within a computer science degree. With case studies and an internship, they will also gain methodological and practical experience in conducting a high-level innovative process in the field of data science.


Data science is a major scientific and technological area of computer sciences, founded on the fields of data analysis, machine learning and databases. It leads to produce methods and technologies to enable data-driven progress in these social, scientific and economic activities. 

  •  develop core scientific competencies, practical and methodological skills on data usage
  •  understand how data science applies to industry and be aware of its social, economic and scientific impact
  •  conduct a research or development project in the data analysis domain


The programme mainly aims at international students and is taught in English. A good command of the English language is required (B2 score as defined by the Council of Europe). Introductions to French language and European culture are provided locally at Polytech Nantes.


Polytech Nantes (campus Chantrerie)

Programme Leader(s)

Our partners

Research center

Polytech Nantes relies on the expertise of 7 world-renowned high-level research laboratories. The school is pro-actively involved in research and development activities.

Hosting research lab with Data Sciences academic curricular:
Students carry out a 5-month internship as part of the programme. All students are guaranteed an internship within the research lab LS2N Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (LS2N, UMR 6004), where they join the life and activities of a research group in data science, which has cooperations with companies and academic partners. In the internship, the students will contribute to one of the lab research projects and work on bibliography, define an original scientific proposal, implement and conduct experimental evaluations and defend their thesis. Alternatively, students may also seek an R&D internship in industry.


Entry requirement

Academic requirement

The Master’s Degree is a two-year degree. At Polytech Nantes, only the second year is accessible. However, for international students, the current program is a one-year programme, where successful applicants enter directly the second year. Applicants should hold a degree which validates at least 4-years in higher education, in the field of computer science.

They are expected to have solid foundations in the following fields:
  • mathematics (statistics, probability and optimization)
  • relational databases (theory and practice)
  • software development (e.g Python, R, C++, software engineering)
  • report writing


Academic curricular in Data Sciences (program)

First semester (S9) - (30 ECTS) 

• Research methodology and case study
• Conferences and invited courses 
• Data economics, law and ethics  
• Data dependencies and data integration
• Visual analytics
• Pattern mining and social network analysis  
• Text and sequential pattern mining 
• Clustering analysis and indexing  
• Classification and representation learning  
• Probabilistic graphical models 
• Semantic knowledge representation

Second semester (S10) - (30 ECTS) 
  • Internship - Master's thesis

What's next?

Level of education obtained after completion

Bac+5 (Unknown label)

Career opportunities

Business sectors

The goal of this Master’s program is to train students towards a data scientist profile. The master’s environment should facilitate future involvement in Ph.D. positions in the field or an R&D data scientist position in a company.

Career opportunities:
  • Data scientist 
  • R & D engineer
  • Education and research


Registration procedures

  • For students coming from a partner university with Polytech, please contact the international office coordinator of your home university concerning the enrolment.
    → Nomination deadline April 15th 2025.
  • For students coming from a country that is part of the Campus France procedure, please enrol with Campus France.
    → Applications start from October 1st, and end depending on your local embassy.

Click here to see the list of countries part of the Campus France procedure.



International office
Phone : +33(0)2 51 85 74 25


More information
Mis à jour le 25 October 2024.